I won't bore you all with the details - our closest friends and those of you on our FB pages know all the crap we had to wade through, in particular regarding our apartment complex - we initially we're hedging on doing anything this year, but as time dragged on, we decided to give ourselves one last big Halloween display in our old unit as our transition across the complex did not begin until a few days before Halloween itself...go figure!
For what it was, we were quite happy with it, and I think we produced some decent visuals...
Despite - or maybe *in spite* of the fact that we built absolutely NOTHING all year due to the imminent move, our interior - although scaled back - came off well, my wife Lisa carved one of her all-time most amazing Jack O'Lanterns *ever*...it also ticked off a Ghost centerpiece display on our Patio Theme Bucket List...it was also the final stand for quite a few older props who either went to the Great Halloween Graveyard or were given away to needy families when all of it came down....but, fear not, we'll build them again and better next year!
2018 will present it's own challenges and benefits in our new unit, and we have BIG plans to make up for the past season - but for now, here's a look back at 2017 in all it's ghoulish delight...