For all you Halloween Fanatics....this will be a review and links site of the Best Haunted Houses in the country that my wife Lisa and I have had the pleasure - or displeasure - of gracing....
I've been a *huge* Halloween and horror fan since I can remember...I just brings the kid in me the end of September, our place is suitably adorned and we await each weekend with anticipation of which haunts to hit next....
We've been blessed enough to be able to travel quite a bit around the country and see some wonderful attractions and the cities they lurk in...and we're hoping to pass on the fun we've had on to anyone willing to listen in....
As most folks were aware, it was also our tenth anniversary of haunting our current residence....we did something special this year - a combination theme mixing some of the best elements from our last ten years here, aspects of Disney's Haunted Mansion, and a salute to WGN-TV Chicago's 1970's horror movie show, Creature Features....
I'll let the photos speak for was a wonderful season, and here's to 2016...