UPDATED June 2024
Ahhh yes...GODZILLA.
Obviously, 2014 came and went a while ago, and there have been several more films to this point, and this page will reflect this and be updated as the years - and movies - continue on.
So, join me now on a trip down memory lane, with pictures, art, and reminiscence....
One of the last of the original series I saw, it never seemed to surface on Chicago TV much, although, after I caught my initial screening sometime in 1982 or so, it reappeared nearly every six months like clockwork....go figure....this was on late-night at the time, and I thought I'd stay up and check it out on a whim...I was 15 by that point, but Godzilla still held my attention, even then.
I see why this film is so highly revered by the fan base...it's the last time in the Showa series where Godzilla is portrayed as outright menacing, superb pacing, fantastic effects and battle scenes, and one of the best G-suits, ever.
Saw it again shortly before I began writing this, and the film still holds up beautifully. A masterpiece of it's type.
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As an aside, some extra suits were produced for the exportation of the Gigantis film to America - to be rechristened The Volcano Monsters for US release, never happened though, and the suits were unused...note Godzilla's appearance, foreshadowing his look in King Kong vs. Godzilla seven years later....
These two films could have been Part One and Part Two....and pretty much are, truth be told!
I saw Monster Zero sometime in 1974/75, which introduced me to both Rodan, Mothra and King Ghidorah.....Ghidorah itself I never saw in it's entirety until 1987...for the record, I far prefer Zero - nostalgia? Sure, but Zero has a considerably more sophisticated and satisfying plot.
If I'm completely honest, Ghidorah just comes off as juvenile and silly, almost a children's flick, truth be told...
This film was very influential on me - not only did it introduce me to characters like Manda, Gorosaurus and Varan, but I was lucky enough to see it on it's initial broadcast on Chicago TV (WFLD-32, no less!) in the mid-70s....a true classic of it's kind, one of the best - if not THE best - of the giant monster mashes of it's day.
Originally intended as the finale to the Godzilla film series, it brought in such fantastic numbers that it breathed new life into the franchise....


BTW, does anyone remember the Godzilla carton from 1978...?
It was pretty cool, but why did they get Ted ("Lurch") Cassidy to do Godzilla's roar...? And Godzooky? *shudders*
In 1987, Dark Horse Comics produced a six issue mini series based on Godzilla 1985, which was OK, but the real surprise was *this* little gem...anyone else remember this...?
Four years would pass until Godzilla was heard from again...Toho sponsored a contest where participants submitted their ideas for a Godzilla film, and the best script would be the basis for the next movie- this was the result.
While a bit on the dry side, it is one of the more original ideas in the canon - and Biollante is fantastic, both as an idea and in actual realization.
I had caught some reference to Biollante in a magazine some time in 1990, but didn't see it until late '91.
It's actually a decent film - a tad slow at times, perhaps, but also one of the most intelligent and thought-provoking - with some great action sequences and some interesting plot points as well.
This is also where the Hesei series began in earnest....there was a pervading subliminal theme of "Godzilla vs. Godzilla" during this run, whether by genetics, technology, or menaces from outer space, not to mention some liberal "borrowing" from popular films of the time...sometimes it worked, sometimes not...

One of my all-time favorites.
...granted, the plot - a huge melting pot of sci-fi cliches - Godzilla's beginnings, the revamp of a classic adversary, Doctor Who styled/inspired time travel ideals, and even a T-2 style cyborg - is logically ridiculous, but, hey....
This film just blew me away first time I saw it - fantastic pacing, the characters compliment the story rather than deter from it, terrific effects and model work for the time, and Mecha-King Ghidorah is a marvelous retooling .
Yeah, let's not mince words, the plot is a bunch of silly BS, but aren't all of these...?
The film's a terrific action flick, with a nice retelling of Godzilla's origins.
With the success of King Ghidorah, it was inevitable that Toho would resurrect another monster from the past - and so it was with Mothra in 1992...
I'm not too fond of this one - borrows a lot from the Indiana Jones films, and the plot is a bit too kid friendly for my taste.
Still, Battra (the Black Mothra) is a nice twist on an old theme, and there are some great visuals to be had as well.
They'd fare far better next year....
Anyone remember Godzilla Vs. Charles Barkely advertising scheme around this point in time...????
One of the best - if not THE best - of the Hesei series...
Reintroducing Classic Foes provided Big Box Office Returns, so Toho pulled out all the stops this time - Mechagodzilla, Rodan, and Little Godzilla all return here.
This is just a great action film, plain and simple, with a fast moving script and thoughtful theme of life against artificial life with regards to the uprising of AI, and with more KA-BOOM than you can shake a stick at....nearly a perfect Godzilla movie, well worth multiple viewings.

It was around this point in 1994 that I discovered J.D. Lee's marvelous fanzine G-FAN - find them at www.g-fan.com - and have had been reading ever since....

Ewwww....what a mess!
After the triumph of Mechagodzilla comes this awful, convoluted mess...part Godzilla, part kiddie flick, part romance, it tries to be all things to all people. The results are dismal.
Space Godzilla is an interesting concept, but very little is done with him, and the resurrection of Moguera from The Mysterians was a nice tip of the hat to the old days, but he comes across as a poor man's Mechagodzilla here.
The evolution of Little Godzilla visually is almost as bad as Minya or Godzooky, and that says a lot!
With the beginnings of an American Godzilla film in the works, the end was in the cards for Toho's legendary beast, but a Grand Finale was definitely in the cards as well....
...or so the headlines read - even CNN picked up on this, the "final" Godzilla movie...
The storyline is dark and somber, not unlike a funeral dirge, with several ties to the 1954 original.
The film borrows from several different films series - most notably Alien - but the action sequences here are far more adult, Destroyah is one of the most viscous opponents Godzilla has ever faced, and Godzilla Junior is beautifully realized.
The final scenes are the most touching, with Godzilla's final demise of an almost poetic nature....the film concludes with a ray of hope and wonderful final montage of scenes from the series....
Was this truly the end...? Don't bet on it!
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Shortly after the conclusion of the series, Toho launched a new Mothra trilogy, aimed at a much younger audience, while while Dalei resurrected their Gamera series for a trio of surprisingly original, well produced and received films that still resonate with fans today...and, of course, the announcement of a new American-made Godzilla some time in 1997/8....
Hot on the heels of this came an avalanche of merchandise....
Trendmasters launched their toy line, of which I owned quite a few...

Random House launched a series of novels by Marc Cerasini...
....and Dark Horse comics launched another mini-series....
In August of 1996, I attended the second or third G-FEST in Chicago, and the guests of honor were the late Haruo Nakajima and Kenpachiro Satsuma - "The Men Who Were Godzilla" - among all other sorts of mayhem!!!!

The less said about the American Godzilla of 1998 - the better!
All that hype and hope, and what stink bomb THAT was!
Ah, well...at least we got to see the REAL King of the Monsters incinerate him in Final Wars....but more on that later....
The last of the Toho films to make it to these shore's theaters until 2016, it was produced so quickly, it seemed almost a retaliation for the American disaster of 1998...this signaled the beginning of the Millennium Series, the last string of films Toho has produced until recently...
In all honesty, most of this series - with a couple exceptions - left me cold.
The overall concept was that each individual film would be self-contained and unrelated to the others in the series - neat concept, but the majority of these movies were lacking in original ideas and just very paint-by-the-numbers, plot wise.
Got to see Godzilla 2000 in the theaters - and while not the best of the series, the film overall has some great moments, some interesting camera angles, and a slick twist in the tail, plot-wise...
It starts off very promising, but just falls flat in the second act until the finale, but, by then, a lot of the momentum went out it and never quite returned 100%....still, the Rob Zombie "Superbeast" commercial was just awesome!
The best of the Millennium Series - and probably the single best Godzilla film, ever, barring maybe the original.
Transforming Godzilla and the rest to the level of ancient angry spirits and sacred protectors - not to mention several sly nods to classic moments in the series - gave this film an edgy, unique quality unlike many of it's predecessors.
Brilliantly directed by Shusuke Kaneko - the man responsible for the highly acclaimed Gamera trilogy of the '90s - he gives this film the same wonderful touch that elevated Gamera to new heights.
A must see - my personal favorite of the Millennium series.
Marking the 50th anniversary of Godzilla - not to mention the final Toho film until 2016 - came this bizarre mish-mash.
Part Godzilla, part Japanese folklore, part alien invasion, part Anime stylizing, hints of Terminator and The Matrix, a soundtrack by Keith Emerson, just about every prominent and obscure Toho monster, plus a whole lot of Kung Fu fighting and you get this odd piece...
I was pretty underwhelmed by it all - it concentrates far too much on the alien invasion and the genetic warriors shtick - not enough city crunching action, and barely any Godzilla 'til the second half. Lots of plot elements "lifted" from Ghidorah, Monster Zero, and Destroy All Monsters leave this a confused mess.
Still, Godzilla and Minya walked off into the sunset at the conclusion - reminiscent of the outset of Terror of Mechagodzilla - signifying this was NOT the end of the series, but I expected far better for Godzilla's 50th, especially in the wake of GMK...

2009 saw the release of Always Zoku Sanchōme no Yūhi (Always Sunset on Third Street 2) in Japan - the opening moments featured a dream sequence which involved a very convincing CGI Godzilla doing what he does best - stomping Tokyo flat!
While just a tease, it's now more a foreshadowing of things greater to come....
One last thought on this film - did anyone notice how the male M.U.T.O.'s design was not all that removed from the Gamera series adversary, Gayos...? The mind reels.

...and, quite frankly, it talks WAY too much, and my patience grew very thin with it.

All three films have been released theatrically and are readily available on Netflix - Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters, Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle and Godzilla: The Planet Eater spin an interesting story, heavily imbued in symbolism and theological/ideological designs...there are not a tremendous amount of monster battles in any movie, and most of he action happens towards the conclusion of each film....

The film resembled more the 1960s Godzilla films - with direct references to Monster Zero, Ghidorah (I mean, c'mon, the film is essentially a remake of it!), Destroy All Monsters and literally dozens of nods to each of the individual character traits through the series 65 year run....
...I defy the die-hards to fins *ALL* of them - Good Luck with that - there are far too many!
The film didn't receive the critical backing that the 2014 movie did - most called the plot fluff, and well, to be honest, the movie does not have the same gravitas as Gaerth Edwards films five years ago, but that's not the point....
This is a Summer Action Movie, plain and simple, and, in that regard, it delivers BIG TIME....my only beef was that it was light on Mothra, but that is neither here nor there, really - the Monsters appearance are true to form, and their initial appearances - Rodan in particular - are breath-taking....the Big Rematch was next
Ona side note, Toho had announced plans to reboot the franchise in a "shared universe" context at this point....will they deliver...? Stayed tuned..

Originally scheduled for release in early 2020, the long anticipated rematch was pushed back due to the COVID crisis to March 2021, released simultaneously in theatres and pay-per-view….it did remarkably well, not only in terms of box office and downloads, but with reviewers, too….well enough, in fact, to see a continuation of the Legendary series with a new film scheduled for 2024…
…a pretty basic plot brings the two beasts on a collision course and the brawls are spectacularly wild and over the top…
Story wise, this is more of a sci-fi/human interest tale, with some interesting elements that harken back to the Toho serie(s), while adding touches of films like The Matrix and Fahrenheit 451 (watch closely, you’ll catch it) into the mix, with a somewhat surrealist vibe to the whole thing. Well worth the time.
Not sure where I found this, but my Goddaugher Bonnie Fontanne colored this for me....
1. GMK
2. Godzilla (1954)
3. Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1993)
4. Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991)
5. Destroy All Monsters
6. Godzilla vs. Destroyah
7. Godzilla vs. Mothra (1964)
8. Monster Zero
9. King Kong vs. Godzilla
10. Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster