This month, we're off to Seymour, Indiana, to take a
look at one of the best movie themed tribute haunts the Midwest has to offer -
I'm talking about Fear Fair and they are quite aptly named...
Brett Hays, the owner of Fear Fair, was kind of
enough to have an extended email exchange with me and filled me in on a few
particulars about the haunt...
For starters, the primary point about Fear Fair is that their movie scenes are on
an entirely different level than most haunts.
One of the things that people wrongly assume is that the focus on movie scenes
means they lower quality, intensity, insert your adjective.
The personal goal is for their show to be trump Universal Halloween Horror
Nights, and quite a few guests who have attended both events claim they've
achieved that.
Universal has a larger budget, obviously, but they also have the restrictions of
designing for massive throughput, being mild enough in their scares for a general
Fear Fair isn’t limited in those areas and capitalize on it.
They're billed as a hard PG13 attraction and work within that scope.
Another thing they don’t tend to super publicize is their charity status.
People tend to make negative assumptions about the quality of your show based on
that, so it's played down.
On the flipside. they've been able to build two playgrounds for children and
equip the entire police forces of two communities with emergency defibrillators
in recent years.
I could say they really do scare because we care, but I think that's been done...
Next time, it's
a bonanza of haunts from the Buckeye State as we ravage Ohio with the Ghostly Manor Thrill Center in Sandusky and the Dent Schoolhouse in Cincinnati!
Also worthy of note in Indianapolis, Indiana are these guys....
....and nearby in Petersburg, Kentucky is this lovely spot...